Thursday 5 May 2016

Ash Tree Names and Types of Fraxinus Species

Ash Tree Names and Types of Fraxinus Species

Picture of a Ash Tree
White Ash Tree (Fraxinus americana)
Picture of a White Ash Tree
(Fraxinus americana)
White Ash Tree Leafs (Fraxinus americana)
Picture of White Ash tree leaves
(Fraxinus americana)
Ash Trees, known botanically as the Fraxinus Genus, consist of about 65 species of medium to large trees. They are deciduous, however a few subtropical species are evergreen. Some species can grow as shrubs. Ash trees are all dioecious species (each individual plant is either male or female in sexuality). The seeds from Ash trees are commonly known as keys or helicopter seeds in English. The seeds are inside a one seeded winged fruit, known botanically as a samara.
Ash Tree Name Definitions;
Ash Tree;
Common English name for species of the Fraxinus Genus. "Ash", originally from the old English name "æsc", for "Ash-tree". Some tree common names containing "Ash" do not refer to this genus, see Other Ash Tree Name Uses.
Botanical name given to a genus of plant species commonly known as Ash. The botanical Latin name "Fraxinus" originates from the meaning of "spear", as these were normally made from Ash wood.
Ash Tree Native Distribution;
In Europe three species are native; the Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), the Manna ash (Fraxinus ornus) and the Narrow-leafed ash (Fraxinus angustifolia). In North America, there are about twenty-two native species of Ash tree. In Asia, there are about twenty-six native species. These numbers are not so clear cut however, as ranges overlap, Southwest Asian Species are found in far Eastern Europe for example.
Facts about Ash Trees of the Fraxinus Genus
  • Genus Latin Scientific Name = Fraxinus. (Synonym; Apilia)
  • Genus Latin Name Pronunciation: FRAK-si-nus
  • Genus Latin Name Meaning: The ancient Latin name for "Spear" (Made from Ash wood)
  • Genus Common Names = Ash. List of other Ash Tree (Fraxinus) Vernacular Names
  • Number of Taxa (types) in the Fraxinus Genus ≈ 65
A Frênaie, Franee or fraxinaie is a forest dominated by Ash tree species. Ash trees are grown commercially for their wood, or raised for ornamental, landscaping use. See Ash Tree Uses.
See Names of Ash tree Hybrids, and Names of Ash Tree Cultivars, as they are not included in the Ash species table below.

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