Friday 6 May 2016

Cork Tree

                                           Cork Tree

Other names : Akas Nim, Nim Chameli, Betati Nim, Mini Chameli, Karkku, Kat Malli, Kavudi are some of the other names used for the Cork Tree.
Description : It is a tall deciduous tree. It grows up to 25 meter. The leaves are pinnately compound. Flowers in corymbose, long tubular, white and fragrant. The fruit is a capsule. It flowers at night and shed flowers early in the morning. It has corky bark. It has straight trunk and has few branches.

Other Species : Phellodendron amurense, Phellodendron chinense, Phellodendron japonicum, Phellodendrum lavallei, Phellodendron sachalinense, Phellodendron wilsonii are the other related species of the Cork tree.

Location : Cork tree widely grows in the Central India. It is mostly found in the tropical forests. It can be found in the Sultanpur National Park in India.

Cultivation methods : Cork tree can grow in variety of soils. It requires full sunlight for its growth.

Medicinal uses : Stem and roots of the Cork tree have great medicinal value. Its dried flower is a good lung tonic. It is also used in the cough diseases.

Other uses : Its flowers are used in the rituals. Its bark is used to produce yellow dye.

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